Fun With Facial Hair (or... A Farewell to My Beard)
Half the fun of growing a beard is shaving it off, so I thought I would shave out some big chops and keep the fu-man-chu (?) thing and look tough. Never done that before. Turns out I don't look tough, I look like an idiot with no chin. Wore it to hungry tonight like that and was told "oh, wow...", "that's sleazy", "you're so dirty", "you look like Earl from that new tv show", "you look like a used car salesman", and "you look like a pirate". I think there were a few more that I happily forgot. Then I got home and decided to try a handlebar mustache.
Simply one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my entire life...
Awe inspiring...
A little wax and you can have the whole Rollie Fingers thing going.
My kid woke up this morning and asked, "Where's your beard, daddy? Put your beard back on."
I'm a little bit depressed about this whole thing... like I'm going through a mourning period for my beard...
too good not to share.
Yowsers!! That's awesome.
Yeah...the bushy fumanchu thing has that inbred look...vaguely reminscent of the state sex offender registry pictures. Clean shaven or the Rollie Fingers look were the best options.
your beard was so big...
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