Monday, February 05, 2007

Yes, I was surfing the internet today...

Here's what I found...



Despite the league's position that group viewings of the Super Bowl at locations other than bars must be limited to one screen with a maximum size of 55 inches, one church is daring the NFL to stop them.

Second Baptist Church in Indianapolis will ignore the league's commandment, and will show the game via a rear-projection device.

"The NFL implied that it has a problem with the venue and medium that local churches conduct ministry," said the Rev. David Greene. "We want to save souls by any means necessary. Football, traditional service, street ministry -- it doesn't matter."

Greene also explained the situation in a letter to his congregation. "I believe that God's people have to take a stand," Greene said. "If the church continues to compromise with the world, it will soon have no influence on the world that God has instructed us to reach in His Great Commission as directed in St. Matthew 29:18-20."

The NFL has defended its position because "it's the law." >>

If anyone understands the church's rationale on this, let me know what it is. I'm with the NFL on this one. Their product, they can decide how it's distributed. I can see breaking the law when if I felt it asks me to do something God doesn't want me to, but cannot for the life of me get what this guy is saying. This is why a good part of our culture thinks the church is full of idiots...

And for State fans, this compilation of dunks from saturdays game.


At February 05, 2007 5:03 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

love those dunks!! i agree with you. i think Christ is pretty clear about following the law in the whole give to caesar what is caesar thing.

At February 06, 2007 3:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Figures you'd sell out to corporate America like that, Jeff. I guess it's easy to be socially conscious and "represent" when oil is the subject of controversy, but when it's your precious NFL, well, that's a different story, right?

Besides, we all know that you're just hating because the Super Bowl featured the Bears (who you hate) and Peyton Manning (who you also hate). What a bummer for you man. I guess the only logical thing for you to do was to hate on those crazy Baptists too. The trifecta! Whapowwww!

Uh, seriously though, what's "stupid" is the NFL trying to tell me that I can't watch the Super Bowl on a TV that's bigger than 55 inches. You're telling me that I can't have 25 people over to my house and watch the game on this bad boy that I picked up from Best Buy? (btw, don't you just love the irony of two corporations stepping on each other's toes? :-)

Also, I'd be careful about saying things like "their product, they can decide how it's distributed." With that attitude, it won't be long before companies start sabotaging your consumer electronics because they don't like the way you view their media. Oh wait, that already happened.

Fight the powers that be! Mwuhahahahahahahahahaha!

At February 06, 2007 3:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha! Sorry man, but you know what else is hilarious about this post? You say the NFL has a right to decide how their content is distributed etc. etc., but then you link to a copyrighted telecast most likely posted illegally on YouTube! Do you really think that user "Wyvern111" got express written consent from ABC to rebroadcast that dunk footage? I think not! :-)

Seriously, I do love you though. So much.

At February 06, 2007 10:35 AM, Blogger Shannon Smith said...

The NFL "has absolutely no objection to churches and others hosting Super Bowl viewing parties as long as they do not charge admission and show the game on a television of the type commonly used at home."

My friend Brad has a 106" screen in his house. Does that constitute "commonly used"?

At February 06, 2007 9:36 PM, Blogger Patrick said...

if you like those dunks, check out this link!

At February 17, 2007 8:40 PM, Blogger Jason said...

I'm a little confused by a couple of things here:

- What is the difference between the NFL's right to do what they want with their product and the oil companies'? Have you changed your views on that? It's fine if you have as we all change over time (I think it's a sign of maturity to change), but I'm curious as this does seem to be a bit inconsistent.

- How can you hate Peyton Manning? Granted, I haven't watched the NFL with any seriousness in about 10 years, but everything I've seen and heard of Manning has impressed me as him being pretty much an all-around good guy. I can't imagine a more humble superstar in his postgame interviews after the AFC Championship as well as after the Super Bowl.

I have a coworker who grew up in Louisiana and is a big LSU fan. He hates everything to do with the Manning family because Archie played so well for Ole' Miss. Now that's a serious grudge.

As a Packers fan I can see why you hate the Bears though.

At February 17, 2007 8:42 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Oh, I do love those dunks though. While I'm still pretty much unaffiliated as far as ACC Hoops goes, I do like to see UNC or Duke lose. I used to share a cube with a serious UNC fan and that was enough to turn me off.

I guess as an OSU alum I identify most with State out of the 3 area schools.


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